Welcome to PT. Solusindo Jitu Career Page

Adhering to the vision of Developing a Company in the Property Business that is sustainable and has optimal economic value for consumers, provides prosperity and welfare for stakeholders and plays a role in carrying out social responsibility. Therefore, we continue to look for employees with the best talents to participate in growing and developing with us in realizing this vision.

Career with PT. Solusindo Jitu

Want to make a difference?

Join With Our Team

We are looking for the best candidate to join our team

Sales Executive (SE)

Staff Marketing (SM)

Staff Human Resources (SHR)

Staff Finance Accounting (SFA)


Join With Us

Kirim lamaran & CV Anda ke : hr@solusindojitu.com Dengan Subjek : Nama_Kode Posisi (contoh: Aida_SE)
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