A new breakthrough in 2019 has been carried out by PT Solusindo Jitu, by holding a Prelaunching Hinggil Mansion. The gathering, which invited several agencies from the Media, Banking and Property Agent, received a standing ovation from all walks of life. Evidenced by the arrival of all invited guests and the merry event.

PT Solusindo Jitu is a property developer who has been working for 10 years and has 19 projects in Yogyakarta. One of the projects to be launched is Hinggil Mansion, standing on 1.5 hectares of land located on Jalan Raya Bibis – Bangunjiwo, Kasihan, Bantul. This strategic residential has 68 units consisting of two types, namely Ayana Type and Azahra Type which has a building area of ​​80 square meters and a land area of ​​126 square meters.

The difference between the two types according to CEO of PT Solusindo Jitu, Andika Wahyu Wijayanto is located in the concept. “If the Ayana Type carries the concept of modern and minimalist modern ethnicity, the Type of Azahra carries the concept of modern Javanese but still equipped with the needs of the present,” he said. In addition, he also added that the difference between the two types is the Ayana Type on the first floor there are no bedrooms, while for Azahra Type there are bedrooms on the 1st floor.

“This building consists of two floors consisting of a living room, three bedrooms, two bathrooms, kitchen, car garage, pavilion and private pool, while for public facilities other than places of worship there are community halls, children’s playgrounds, jogging and bike track, “he said in the Prelaunching Hinggil Mansion on Wednesday (9/10/2019).

Andika hopes that the presence of Hinggil Mansion can be absorbed by the market. “Not only providing product value but providing high investment value and providing comfortable housing, of course,” he explained.

With prices starting at Rp. 800 million, consumers can get housing for the Ayana Type or the Azahra Type. The housing location is also not too far from the UMY Campus which is about 5 minutes and 15 minutes from the Tugu Station in Yogyakarta and Malioboro. Getting to Adisutjipto International Airport takes about 25 minutes, while getting to Yogyakarta International Airport (YIA) takes about 45 minutes.

For more information through hunting 0274 – 8000009 or through the page

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